Michael Shellis, On Faith, Exploration, and Inspiration


Written by Abby Grace Cooper

In the heart of Dallas, an artist who paints, sculpts, makes music, and even crafts culinary delights, is making waves. Born and raised in the Dallas area, this multi- talented creator has spent the past two years immersing himself in the city's vibrant art scene after a seven-year stint in his garage studio in Grapevine. His journey to becoming a full-time artist spans over the last 13 years and is not coming to a halt any time soon.

Despite the challenges of making a living through music and art, he chose to follow his passion for creativity, finding solace in the tactile experience of working with his hands. His love affair with painting started at the tender age of six when his uncle gifted him a Bob Ross art kit. "I was very excited and I remember it like it was yesterday," he recalls, his face lighting up with nostalgia.

However, his early studio spaces were makeshift, often just a corner of his bedroom or the guest room his parents generously allowed him to use. High school saw him transform his childhood walls into canvases, much to the delight of his supportive parents. Before committing fully to art, he dabbled in the family roofing business and pursued acting for five years, landing just one McDonald's commercial. "The only reason I wanted to be an actor was because I thought actors make a lot of money, and I didn't want to be poor. But I also loved painting, and almost overnight, things started to happen," says Shellis."The fruits of your labor can tell a lot about if you're doing something in toil or if it's blessed," he reflects. "For me, that blessing turned out to be art, even though Inever thought I could make a living from it."

Living without a salary was daunting, but he has stayed grounded. He often refers to Matthew 6:26 : "Look at the birds of the air. They do not sow, reap or store in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” This philosophy has not only sustained him but also resonated with his followers, who frequently seek his advice on making a living from art.

A pivotal moment in his career came through a chance encounter with Jan Miller, a Dallas philanthropist, and art enthusiast. She discovered his talent through a portrait he had painted for his best friend, who had recently passed away. Miller invited him to contribute to charity events, which led to a series of unpaid but invaluable opportunities to network and showcase his work. Delivering these pieces by hand allowed him to build relationships with clients, eventually leading to a sustainable career.

His art, described as Texas contemporary or Texas pop art, has evolved with his environment. His early works from the Grapevine garage were chaotic and cluttered, reflecting the space's disarray. In contrast, his current Dallas studio has allowed his art to breathe, becoming more open and less frenetic, finding more of his flow. Looking ahead, he envisions continuing to create pieces for clients across the state as well as possibly creating his own company- with more to come. Despite his success with murals, including projects on multi-story buildings in Farmers Branch and San Antonio, he aspires to primarily be known for his canvas work.

Travel, too, has been a significant source of inspiration. His adventures in different cultures fuel his creativity, capturing candid moments with his iPhone that later become the subjects of his paintings. “I think we’re in an awakening, a second Renaissance,” he muses, “and there are probably a few Da Vincis out there stuck behind a Deloitte computer.” His travels have exposed him to diverse perspectives and artistic traditions, enriching his own work and expanding his creative horizons. Each journey brings new ideas and experiences that he incorporates into his art, reflecting a deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world.

Through his art and aspirations, this Dallas artist embodies the spirit of creative exploration and the courage to follow one's passion, regardless of the challenges. His journey to the heart of Dallas' art scene is a testament to the transformative power of humility resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of one's dreams. His story is a powerful reminder that true success is not just about financial gain but about finding and nurturing the divine gifts within us. “We all have unique talents and callings,” he says. “It’s about listening to that inner voice and having the faith to pursue it, even when the path seems uncertain.” As he continues to create and inspire, he remains a beacon of hope and creativity, encouraging others to embrace their passions and trust in the journey that lies ahead.


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